The best way to end a relationship
The best way to end a relationship
​ clouds gather clouds scattered, fate to fate, perhaps this is also a kind of providence.

Green above the point

I have heard a sentence:

"in this world, love seems to be the most untested thing. When it is strong, it can be overwhelming, but when it is fragile, it will break when it is touched. "

We all yearn for the affection of a white head as soon as we hold hands, but the reality is that there are too many feelings that are vulnerable to a single blow.

once vowed to fall in love with each other, forever, the final enemy can not be the erosion of time, the reduction of time.

just like some people, they are only destined to be passers-by in our lives, and there is nothing we can do to force and retain them.

if a relationship can no longer continue, if a person can no longer have it, it is better to say goodbye.

in a decent way, to break the bond, to end all relationships, to let go of yourself, and to let others go.

from now on, you are you, I am me, and there is no more us.

if you can't wait for a response, let it go

Zhang ailing said:

"I think love can fill life's regrets. However, it is love that creates more regrets. "

my good friend Bing Bing in college has a deep feeling about this sentence.

in her heart, there is a person who has loved for ten years, but it is a pity that the man is already married.

they met on campus, but they were never together.

also because she was not together, it became an eternal regret and pain in her heart.

later, he fell in love and got married, all of which Bing Bing saw in the moments.

she came crying and asked me:

is that I read the news of his marriage in moments, but I wonder why I am not the one standing next to him. "

I don't know how to answer, but I just think of the sentence:

"there are many stories of love in the world, and loss and regret are the normality of life."

Love is not as beautiful as it seems, and there are only a few people who can get married in the end.

however, what we need to do is not to stay where we are, grieving ourselves with an unachievable regret.

but step over and move on. Maybe there will be new scenery and better people ahead.

as writer David Salinger wrote in the Catcher in the Rye:

"remember what should be remembered, forget what should be forgotten, change what can be changed, and accept what cannot be changed."

since we can't change the established facts and can't wait for that person's response, we might as well let it go.

hide memories deep in your heart, do not touch, do not look back, not sad;

vacate the whole heart, forget the wrong person, and leave it to the right person;

believe that every difficult result is the best outcome.

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because the one who is waiting for us in front of us is the one who can work together for a lifetime.

the stars are still hot. Even if you miss the moon, you can find your own sun.

Let go of the feelings that can't go.

many people think that couples who enter into marriage because of love are mostly happy and long-term.

but in fact, love also has a shelf life.

in other words, love alone cannot stop all the changes in marriage.

No matter how vigorous you used to love, once your love fades, your marriage will still be in jeopardy.

like Juanzi in the circle of friends, she finally accepted the fact that her husband no longer loved her and ended his two-year marriage.

she and her husband, or rather, ex-husband, went to high school together.

they had been in love for eight years before they chose to get married.

however, what people did not expect is that their relationship was not defeated to a different place, not to an affair, but to the trivialities of marriage.

Juanzi likes to be quiet and likes to read and practice words, while his ex-husband likes to go out with his buddies on weekends.

these are minor problems when you are in a relationship. But once in a marriage, all the shortcomings will be magnified into fatal problems.

Juanzi often accuses her ex-husband of ignoring his family and fooling around with friends.

at first, my ex-husband apologized with a smile and promised Juanzi that he would change.

but slowly, she became so impatient that she didn't even bother to answer her phone.

once he was pressed by Juanzi on the phone, and he had a direct showdown:

"I don't love you any more, so I went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the divorce formalities."

Juanzi has cried, made trouble, and begged, but she still can't get back a man who has changed his heart.

although the beginning of every love story is extremely gentle, the end of the story is often not so gentle.

since the person who has agreed to accompany you for a lifetime will get off in advance, even if we are reluctant to give up, we should wave goodbye and choose to put it down.

from now on, they are happy to say goodbye to each other, leaving an eyeful of stars to people who are more worthy of it.

A relationship that is too hard, forget it

there is a line in the movie in the mood for Love:

I never thought that marriage was so complicated. I thought it would be all right for one person to do it well, but it is not enough for two people to be together.

because marriageIt is a practice for two people, which requires the efforts and management of both sides.

relying on the hard work of one person alone, such a marriage is powerless and desperate.

have seen a piece of news:

A 24-year-old mother of two, who locked her door after drinking, sat on the air conditioner outside the window and wanted to jump off a building and commit suicide.

it turns out that she didn't want to have a second child, which was what her husband and mother-in-law wanted.

before giving birth, her husband promised to take care of the baby together, but after the birth, she was the only one who worked hard to take care of the baby day and night.

maybe she was extremely disappointed in the marriage, or maybe she gave up any hope for her husband, and she jumped off a building under the impulse of drunkenness.

you know, any relationship that feels hard is wrong.

in a marriage, if there is only one party's hard work and patience, then such a marriage is the wrong marriage.

and the wrong marriage brings us nothing but harm.

instead of consuming yourself in the wrong marriage, let yourself go and find a new world.

although there are few things going well in life, we can at least give up what is wrong and hug the right person.

cartoonist Jimmy said:

"Don't dwell on something awkward for too long.

after entangling for a long time, you will be annoyed, painful, epiglottic, tired, hurt, and heartbroken.

in fact, in the end, you don't have a problem with things, but with yourself.

if a relationship is doomed to come to an end, if there is no answer in a relationship, don't pester, please, don't be humble, and bravely choose to end.

Life is long, and we always have to accept that some people pass by, some leave without saying goodbye, and some leave halfway.

when the clouds gather and disperse, it may also be a kind of providence.

and what we have to believe is:

all misses do not need to be reunited; all ends are for perfection.

, may you not only have the courage to bid farewell to the past, but also have the courage to cut through difficulties, and the courage to love another person.

encourage each other.

